The practice of journalism has developed a culture of its own. That culture has expectations of professionals and non-professionals who would engage in journalistic endeavors. Understanding that culture is the point of this chapter.
Journalism is traditionally practiced through news organizations such as newspapers, broadcasting stations or news web sites. These organizations have their individual modes of operations and cultural expectations, but they are part of a larger culture in which the profession is practiced.
Despite its special place in legal and political arenas, journalism is still an economic enterprise. Journalistic organizations must make a profit to survive. Most do - and a very healthy profit, at that.
Key to understanding the culture of journalism are the concepts of honesty, objectivity, persistence and competition. Journalists must approach their jobs with an honest frame of mind, seeing what they do as a public service rather than as a way of making money.
Cultural norms. Journalists do not work alone. They are part of a larger culture that has its conventions and norms. It's important to understand some of these cultural norms:
Objectivity and fairness. This is a much debated idea. Can anyone be truly objective? Probably not, but journalists still have the obligation to consider many sides of an issue and to question how people will react to their presentation of information.
Accuracy. The chief goal of the journalist is to present accurate information in an accurate context so that people will understand it as the journalist understands it. Much of the reporting, editing and production process of journalism is directed to ensuring that accurate information is the consistent product of the media. This goal, too, is an ideal. Often inaccurate information in an inaccurate context is produced by the journalist. The goal, however, never changes.
Attention to detail. Part of the accuracy mantra is attention to detail. Reporters must check the spelling of every name they use; they must be exact in the wording of direct quotations; they must often confirm what they think they know or what they have heard with other, reliable sources. Because many people will read or hear what they report, they can leave very little to chance.
Mix of individual and corporate effort. Reporters understand that while much of their effort is individual, they represent a news organization that in itself has certain values and objectives. Reporters must balance their loyalties to their employers, their profession and their personal beliefs. In most cases, there is no conflict among these, but occasionally there is.
Deadlines. Print reporters lack two things: time and space. Broadcast reporters lack time and time. In both cases, the first "time" refers to the lack of time to do a story as completely as they would like. Deadlines always intrude on a reporter's work. In the print media, presses must roll at certain times of the day or night, and the work of the journalist must be finished for that to happen. In broadcasting, deadlines are even more arbitrary. They occur when the newscast begins, and they cannot be wished away. In both cases, reporters often have to "go with what they have" rather than taking the time to be more complete or thorough.
Skepticism. Journalists attempt never to be gullible. They do not want to be taken in by those who give them false information. At the same time, they should not be cynical, disbelieving everything that is said to them. Instead, they should always be willing to question their source and check what they have against other information they might receive.
Sense of "greater good." Reporters generally believe they are in journalism for a reason other than making money or making a living or even for satisfying their personal desires. They generally hold to the belief that good information is good for society; that sharing that information helps society function.
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